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Our Dams

In one of the many tabs you can find our mares Up for breeding! we are always adding to our breeding stock and are happy to breed our horses with others to expand and learn about pedigrees. Below is just some information in regards to our mares and how things like ET(Embryo Transfer) and AI (Artificial insemination) work as well as about our brood mares. 

Thoroughbreds: According to the breed registry We will only do "live cover" Which means our thoroughbred mares cannot have AI or ET and cannot breed outside the country (USA) unless foals are birthed in the years the mare is deemed "able to travel" I will not make exceptions to this rule as we try to follow the registries rules for every breed. Each Mare and Stallion will have the years they are deemed "Able to travel" Listed under the open years line< as long as it doesn't conflict with existing races or other things they are good to go!

All Of Our Brood mares are to be used with ET! if you want a breeding combination but say it conflicts with a horses schedule for races or other events our broodmares will do the hard work for ya! remember we can not do ET for thoroughbreds with our Broodmares. Broodmares will not be listed on the pedigree


Each Mare is allowed 1 foal per Year and 3 ETs per  year, ETs are to be done if your wanting 2 foals out of one mare otherwise they will both have to be from different years. Years Open for ETs/AI are listed under the open years line on the mares description! i May back Breed mares that have brought home championships if they still have years open but all our horses are aging! we do accept aging and non aging foals! 


If the mare has years stating ET only that means those years she can only do ETs either due to competing or other events.  


I do accept breeding's for fantasy equines but at the current moment we only have 1 in our breeding stock! I do not mind crossbreeding her as long as the foal is realistic and matches statistically how the genes may work!

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