Welcome to Rosewood Equidae Pastures, This site is still very much a work in progress but we are always working to make it better! any suggestions or feedback can be sent in an email to me! Please keep in mind all horses listed on the next few pages are MODEL horses only and are not real horses. they are used for pedigree research purposes only.
Please do not use any photos or horses without my explicit permission any horses bred without my knowledge and approval are automatically void. all foals bred will have their pedigree certificates emailed out within a week, any longer than 7 days with no response please email me again to check up on your request. do not hesitate to ask questions as we at the farm are always willing to answer! please enjoy our selection of sires and dams! these are all model horses for pedigree assignment and entertainment only!
Please Make sure to read the rules carefully before filling out a Breeding request form. winnings and championships will be listed on the horses that have them! we specialize in racing thoroughbreds and quality Friesian dressage horses.
We are proud members of IPABRA waiting to have our site listed under their sire & dam list. We show on MHOSS,OMHPS, and ABRCBA!
Please note this site is still very much a work in progress and is being added to everyday!
All Photos on this site are © of Rosewood Equidae Pastures! do not use our photos without our permission!