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Fantasy Mares

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Lunaria(Firestorm x Hidden Fire) Link to Breeders farm Found Here--->
Nov 13,2012

Breyer CM #97274
Black Sabino
Pyyros Unicorn 
Open: 16-22
AI: 19

Notes: Lunarias parents are foundation stock from L'Velkyn Phreng Pyyros Unicorns, and so any Offspring of her will have only 2 Generations!   
-Won 3rd place in the horse Haven Model Horse show on OMHPS CM Classic Unicorn class
-Classed 6th in the crescent cove MHA fall show CM large fantasy division

(FF Rr bb yy aa Ee Sb1)


As a dungeon master I do a lot of world building and as such I decided I'm going to custom make a breed of horse found in my world called Enigmas. These mares and stallions i have are foundation stock and therefore do not have full pedigrees. 1 or 2 may have 2-3 gens on them as I've used them for my own purpose. Photos drawn use free googled bases I customize and modify to show off the breed. Below you can find the set breed standards i had for them in my World. Currently i am working on a genetics information page to help with determining what your own enigmas will produce for now please use the information available (such as which colors are dominant over which, and which patterns dominate others)

-Colors: Typically they come in The base colors black, Grey, Dark Bay, Bay, Champagne and RARELY white. Special requirements must be met in order for the foal to be born white with markings (I will give out this option if many foals have been bred to a single mare and its realistic to have the white foal). patterns are of dark muddy green colors as they live In dark swampy Areas And are full of toxins, reds or Blues and many other colors are possible, purple being the rarest of them. (the color of the horse being green or purple filling in instead of white). eyes can be in many glowing colors but commonly are white, red, pink, or blue resembling the flowers of the swamps.


-Features: All Enigmas have slime like drippy body resembling that of a thoroughbred or draft breed. with wings made of a dark liquid, contents unknown, their genetics however have been studied and certain things we will be able to tell you to get that realistic side of pedigree making. They are expected to have Bright clear eyes, wings that are almost symmetrical  in underlying shape as the top shape is hard to determine due to the liquid, our horses have been bred or acquired with semi great conformation and we are working to better the breed.


-Foals and Breeding: Enigma mares mature at the speedy age of 2 1/2 and stallions at the age of 2. Mares can have 1 Foal Per year much like regular horses and stallions and sire up to 10 a year. Embryo Transfer is not allowed as its not possible due to the fragile jelly like features of the Embryo, AI (Artificial insemination) is possible! and years will be listed under stallions. Certificates issued will have all information on the horses that is currently known. Horses can live for up to 40 years and produce foals until their around the 25-30 range with stallions typically ending at around 26


- Horses typically stand at 17-18 H high and they are used for a range of things , but are typically used for pulling carriages or dressage in the world. Their venom is also used for many cures in the world as at the right temperature it produces extreme Healing Properties, there are no naming requirements except that the horses typically take on the last initials of the barn they are bred at but it is not a strict rule unless registering them as that is important! Our stock is low but are hopes are high! help us make this breed better!

  • ​

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Swift Blossom
open years:
03-10 & 12-22
BSO only right now
Grey tobiano  (Red Version) Heterozygous For red tobiano
17.1 HH

Foundation stock
Dava *REP*
open years: 15-22

BSO only right now
Grey tobiano  (Red Version) Heterozygous For red tobiano
17.1 HH

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open years: 01-16, 18-22

BSO only right now
Black tobiano  (Blue Variant)
Green carrier
16.9 HH

-2017 :Neros Knight   (Nightheart x Nero Akasha) Green tobiano Black base color
Foundation Stock

Photo Coming Soon!

open years: 16, 18-22

BSO only right now
Black Rabicano (Blue) Heterozygous
18 HH

-2017: Mika's Eclipse    (Eclipse x Mikas sympony REP) Black Snowcap Purple variant owned by blue horizon stables 
Foundation Stock
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Acapella Wildlight
open years: 03-22

BSO only right now
Splash Light Red Variant Black Base

Foundation Stock
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Trace Dandi
open years: 98 -02, 04-20

BSO only right now
Splash Blue Variant Black Base
17.2 HH

-Skysong Echo (Trace dandi x Hawken) 2003 Blue roan Claret violet splash enigma mare
Foundation Stock
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Skysong Echo *REP*
open years: 06-22

BSO only right now
Blue Roan Claret Violet  Splash 
17.5 HH

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